
Zohreh Izadikia is a visual artist living, working and creating on Wurundjeri land (Melbourne, Australia). Zohreh’s artwork draws on her Persian heritage and her life experiences, including her refugee journey from Iran to Australia.

For Zohreh, art is transformative. She personally experienced the power of art to bring hope and a new sense of purpose during some of life’s darkest moments.

Zohreh also saw firsthand art’s ability to bring transformation to others mentally, at Christmas Island immigration detention centre. With some paint and paintbrush, she added colour and life to the plain walls of the centre. She also transformed old instant noodle cups, shoes and other everyday items, into something beautiful to delight the children.

One theme that often recurs in Zohreh’s artwork is her reflections on the value of freedom, not just physically but mentally. The darkness in these paintings are held in tension with elements of sky, light, and intricate Persian carpet motifs, to signify the seeds of transformation and hope Zohreh believes are contained in art and in life.

Zohreh works with water colour, acrylic, pencil, and more recently has started experimenting with printmaking and oil paint. She is currently studying Diploma in Visual Art at Melbourne Polytechnic. 

Zohreh Izadikia
Zohreh Izadikia